Celebrate and Support SCC All Month Long

Southeastern Community College will spend the month of April celebrating students with 30 Ways in 30 Days, a campaign to showcase and support all things SCC.

Part of SCC's 100 year celebration, 30 Ways in 30 Days will feature students, alumni, and staff. The college encourages everyone to join in the fun through social media activities and charitable giving.

Monies raised will go toward SCC's new Century Club, a fund designed to help students stay in college and complete their educational goals.

“We award scholarships to hundreds of deserving students every year to get them started on their college journey,” says SCC Executive Director of Advancement Val Giannettino. “But many struggle to stay in school because life gets in the way: work, health, bills. This campaign will fund initiatives to help them cross the finish line.”

In addition to encouraging financial donations, the campaign will build awareness of the positive impact SCC has had on the region for the past 100 years.

Each day throughout the month of April, SCC will share fun stories and interesting facts online and by email. Additionally, folks will find highlights and challenges on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and are encouraged to flood their newsfeeds with SCC photos, support clubs and organizations, and boost students up as they approach the end of the semester.

For extra fun, participants can win prizes by downloading a Champ bingo card, named for the school's mascot, and marking off tasks that they complete. Folks can win a prize package filled with SCC merchandise by submitting their Champ bingo card.

“Follow our daily social media posts to learn how to participate,” Giannettino says. “Then share photos, tag alumni, give a former instructor a shout-out, or make a donation. We think people will have fun giving in ways that work best for them.”

She adds that a gift to SCC is a gift to the region.

“Our students and grads are everywhere,” Giannettino continues. “You'd be hard-pressed to not bump into at least one Blackhawk on any given day.”

Learn more about 30 Ways in 30 Days on the college's various social media with the handle “SCCIowa” or at scciowa.edu.