External Scholarships

The following is a list of scholarships available to (but not restricted to) students of Southeastern Community College.

Note: this list of external scholarships is provided as a courtesy to help you in your search. Details about each scholarship are subject to change.Be sure to follow up directly with the organization.

Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge: Senior Scholarship - Register between November 1- March 31

For Incoming freshmen for the 2024-2025 academic year. $2,000, High school seniors only need to:
• Register between November 1 - March 31 at Iowa Student Loan
• Follow instructions received via email to complete two online college planning tools and a related assessment
Complete rules, eligibility and information is available online at Iowa Student Loan
Questions may be emailed to ISL

ISL Midwest Senior Scholarship - Register between January 8 - April 30 - $1,000 (will award 10 scholarships)
For high school seniors in Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota or Wisconsin who will attend college in fall:
For official rules and to register

Keokuk Area Community Foundation -Deadlines vary so check out often
The Delbert and Edythe Barnes Memorial Scholarship - graduated/graduating from any Lee County, Hancock County or Clark County School District with plans to enroll at SCC in area of Construction & Manufacturing. Due April 29
The Matteson Scholarship - High school seniors and continuing ed students studying in agriculture, construction, health/medical sciences, nursing, engineering, information technology or trades. Due May 2.
The Peggy Dickey Memorial Scholarship - Graduating seniors from Keokuk Iowa High School or home-schooled equivalent. Resident of Keokuk, IA, enrolled in Iowa college or university. Open Oct. 1 to Dec. 15
Leaders of Southeast Iowa Foundation Scholarship - resident Lee County, Hancock County or Clark County, top 25% of graduating class, attend Iowa, Illinois or Missouri college or university. Due April 29
Eric Pardall Memorial Scholarship - Central Lee, Fort Madison or Holy Trinity High School Student/Graduate pursuing a career in Automotive/Diesel Repair, Agriculture, Construction, Engineering, Medical Science, Nursing or any Trade. $2500 renewable up to 4 years. — Due May 9

Boyd Memorial Scholarship — Due by May 1
Limited to full time students in the nursing program at Southeastern Community College, Keokuk Campus. Applications may be obtained from Amy Conlee, KAH Foundation-Amy.Conlee2@blessinghealth.org or by calling (319) 526-8762.

Alpha Delta Kappa, Iowa Sigma Chapter Scholarship — $1,000; Due by March 31
Des Moines County undergraduates/College Freshman through Seniors majoring in Education. Must be Des Moines County graduate, show qualities of leadership, academic success and involved in extra curricular or community activities. Pick up application from Financial Aid Office

Friends of Henry County Health Center Loan/Scholarship —$2,000 - Due by April 1
For deserving individuals interested in a health occupation. Must be a resident of Henry County, IA or present employee of Henry County Health Center or immediate family member of Henry County Health Center employee. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Jack Brokaw Trade School Scholarship — Amount varies based on student need
Current Henderson County Illinois resident, proof of college acceptance, completed application. Application available in Financial Aid Office.

Iowa Business & Professional Women Foundation — $1,000; Due by March 15 (will award 3 scholarships)
For Iowa residents and US citizens, who want to reenter the workforce, but need additional education or want to start or resume a college education. Graduated high school in 2016 or before. Complete the application.

Theodore Noel Erb, Jr, Memorial Scholarship "Ted" — Due by April 22
Students pursuing education in Fire Service, Emergency Management or EMT/Paramedic. Must be IOWA resident. GPA 3.0 or higher. Request application by email or pick up application from Financial Aid Office.

Edward B. Gnahn Memorial Scholarship - Health - $1,500 (renewable); Due by April 1
Students training/expecting to work in a health related field. (Nursing, Physical Therapy, Medical Technician, Special Education, Dentistry, Chiropractor, Pharmacist, Medical Doctor or Physician Assistant). Must be a graduate of Des Moines County high school and/or a Des Moines County resident for the last 5 years. Pick up application from Financial Aid Office.

Edward B. Gnahn Memorial Scholarship — $1,500 (renewable); Due by April 1
To a person whose disability is such that a higher education in any field of study would provide an opportunity for a productive life. Must be a graduate of Des Moines County high school and/or a Des Moines County resident for the last 5 years. Pick up application from Financial Aid Office.

American Welding Society Foundation — application dates vary - check often
Students pursuing a career in welding or related field. Several scholarships are available. See their web page to view all scholarships, eligibility and application process. Scholarship amounts vary. AWS awards over $200,000 in scholarships and has over 60 national scholarships available. Application for AWS

Burlington Elks Lodge-Art Klein Memorial Scholarship— Spring application due by Feb 15 of current year - Fall application due by July 31st of the current year

Two $1,000 scholarships awarded in spring and fall of each year. Students must live in Des Moines, Henry, Louisa counties of Iowa, Henderson county of Illinois. Current HS Seniors, HS graduates (or equivalent) and must be a US citizen Young/mature adults pursuing a career verified as Technical, Academy School, online degree, Associate degrees. Obtain copy of guidelines and application from Financial Aid Office.

2020 Iowa State Elks Association Vocational Grant — (20) $1,500 Vocational Grants
Any prospective student residing within the jurisdiction of a B.P.O. Elks Lodge belonging to the Iowa States Elks Association pursuing a vocational (2-year or less) training/educational program. NOT intended for student ultimately pursuing a 4-year course of study that will lead to BA degree. Obtain copy of guidelines and application from Financial Aid Office.

Elks Association National Scholarships — varies
Most Valuable Student Students pursuing a 4-year degree, FT, attending an accredited college/university. Range $1,000-$12,500 per year.

Emergency Education Assistance to children of deceased or totally disabled Elks - Up to $5,000 (renewable)

Legacy Awards Available to children/grandchildren of Elks members. $4,000

Dr. Jennie McCowen Scholarship — $1,000 apply by March 15
Supporting students who are pursuing careers in medical or health care. Must be accepted at 2-year or 4-year school in Iowa and attend FT. Can apply to receive for a second year. Request application by email or pick up application from Financial Aid Office.

Iowa Hospital Education & Research Foundation (IHERF) Scholarship —up to $7,000 ($3,500/yr) Health career - $1,000 EMT/Tech Certification — apply by March 31
Students who are pursuing careers in health care. Goal is to fill Iowa health care positions. Each $3,500 award recipient must commit to working one year in an Iowa hospital for each year of scholarship award.EMT/Technician Certification Program can receive $1,000 award.

Application must be submitted on IHERF's scholarship website Students will submit their college program verifications/references on this site.

Great River Friends
Supporting students who are pursuing careers in health care is an important mission of Great River Friends, which provides up to $10,000 in scholarships each year. Four scholarships are available with funding from Great River Friends. Apply

Two Rivers Investment Services — several scholarships available
At various times during the year, scholarships are available through Two Rivers Investment Services. Various scholarships for high school graduates, Des Moines County Residents, Mediapolis/Wapello HS graduates, female Burlington HS graduate, medical field, graduate student.Information and application.

Roy J Carver - TRANSFER SCHOLARSHIP — apply by April 1 (FAFSA priority deadline Dec. 1)
Sophomore students currently attending a community college in Iowa, who intend to transfer to one of the participating four-year institutions as a junior in the fall semester of the award year. Review eligibility requirements and apply online.

Lawrence and Marilyn Matteson Foundation Scholarshipsapplication/eligibility requirements
Graduating high school seniors and high school graduates pursuing studies in health sciences, technology or trades. Adult applicants must live within the following school district areas and eligible high school seniors must attend the following high schools: Central Lee, Danville, Fort Madison, Keokuk, Mediapolis, Mount Pleasant, New London, Waco, Wapello, and Winfield, or be home-schooled and living in any of these school districts.

DMMOM Mothers of Multiples Scholarship
Applicant must be a multiple birth student (twin, triplet or higher). $500

Eligibility Requirements and application.

EduMed Medical and Healthcare Scholarships: various health/medical field opportunities
Application and requirements

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® IOWA is a scholarship program for students who are currently employed in early childhood programs (daycare centers, preschools, or in-home programs) and working towards degrees in Early Childhood Education.

Obtain an application.

Lonnie Winston Memorial Scholarship - Apply by March 31

*One (1) $2500 scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore.
*One (1) $1500 scholarship will be awarded to a sophomore.
*One (1) $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a freshman

The Lonnie Winston Memorial Scholarship (LWMS) is proud to assist deserving student athletes enrolled at Southeastern Community College (SCC).

SCC Freshmen must achieve a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA and SCC Sophomores must maintain a 3.2+ GPA to be eligible for the scholarships.

Applications accepted annually, January 1 to March 15. Watch here for link.

Fort Dodge Choral Society Scholarship —$1,000 - Due by April 15
For vocal music majors in performance or education who have completed at least one year as a vocal music major and are undergraduates at the beginning of the award year. Applicants must be attending an Iowa college/university or Community College or be a graduate of the Fort Dodge area attending any college/university. Applications are available online through the following link or request by email from fdcscholar@gmail.com.

Contact Us

West Burlington Campus Financial Aid
(319) 208-5014
(319) 208-5013

Keokuk Campus Financial Aid
(319) 313-1931
(319) 313-1922