SCC Blackhawk Baseball Moves to Community Field

Southeastern Community College announced on Monday that the Blackhawks baseball team will play their home games for the 2021-2022 season at Community Field in Burlington.

SCC baseball coaches rounded up their Blackhawks baseball players to surprise them with the announcement.

“We told them that they needed to come to the field to roll down a new tarp,” Tyler Gaston, SCC athletic director said while waiting for the players to arrive.

Instead, the players were led to the clubhouse and greeted by Gaston, President Michael Ash, Vice President Kevin Carr, and Burlington Bees front office staff to reveal the news.

 “This is your new digs,” Gaston announced. “You're going to be playing home games here, starting this week.”

He thanked the baseball coaches for spending months working with the Burlington Bees to arrange for the shared use of the facility.

 “This gives SCC the best home ballpark in the nation because it is a minor league ballpark,” says Gaston. “We have full access to this new field, with the luxuries of the clubhouse and press box.”

Dr. Ash also expressed gratitude for this new opportunity.

“I want to say thank you to the coaches for all of the hard work they did to make this happen and also to the Burlington Bees organization for welcoming us with open arms,” Dr. Ash said.

Dr. Ash shared his pride with the student-athletes, stating he's impressed with their talents before sending them on their way to tour the facility.

“Congratulations, gentleman. This is your new home.” Dr. Ash said. “Welcome home.”