SCC Accepting Nominations for Distinguished Alumni

Southeastern Community College (SCC) is accepting nominations for the 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award. Nominations are due online by September 1.

“We love learning about the journeys our alumni have taken since graduating,” Val Giannettino, executive director of institutional advancement, says. “We have remarkable Distinguished Alumni who motivate both our students and our community.”

Two Distinguished Alumni have been selected each year since 1997. Some past recipients include Dr. Edward Stone, Randy Winegard, Dick Wagner, Martha Wolf, and Judy Brueck.

To be eligible for nomination, the nominee must have completed 30 credits at SCC or its predecessor colleges. These include Burlington Junior College, Burlington Community College, and Keokuk Community College.

Nominations should address at least one of the following: how the nominee has earned the respect and trust of their colleagues; how they've made substantial, positive contributions in their community; why the nominee is an outstanding practitioner of their profession; or how the nominee has served as a positive, motivational force for others.

At least one additional recommendation letter should accompany the nomination.

Giannettino says you can nominate more than one person. In fact, you could nominate two people at once.

“If you know an outstanding couple or family members, maybe a mother and daughter, who you feel should be honored for their achievements, you can submit one application for them,” Giannettino explains. “We want to hear everyone's story and celebrate their success.”

The SCC Alumni Association Board will review the nominations at their October meeting. Recommendations are then taken to the SCC Board of Trustees' November meeting for confirmation.

Receptions are held to honor the Distinguished Alumni before each awardee gives a keynote address at their respective campus commencements. They will receive an award, and a plaque recognizing their accomplishments will be hung amongst other Distinguished Alumni plaques at the SCC campuses.

Make a nomination at