Agriculture Science

Iowa feeds the world.

While farming is at the heart of agriculture, it only makes up a small fraction of the many career choices within agriculture. Discover all the agricultural field has to offer through the Agriculture program at SCC.

Sow the seeds of your own success.

Why Ag at SCC?

Get Hands-On Learning: Get your hands dirty from day one. Whether it's planting crops, tending to animals, or mastering the latest ag tech, our program is all about practical, real-world experience. (??)

Learn In-Demand Skills: Learn the skills you need to be successful. From sustainable farming practices to cutting-edge food production techniques, we've got you covered. You'll graduate ready to tackle the challenges of today's agriculture industry.

Make Community Connections: Join a tight-knit community who share your passion for land stewardship. We're not just about classes; we're about building connections that will last a lifetime.

Meet Industry Leaders: Discover the issues facing your local community, state, and nation. Learn how to connect with one another to share your story and opinions. Become an informed leader in the agricultural industry.

What you'll learn

Crop Management: Learn the secrets of successful crop cultivation, including soil health, pest control, and sustainable farming techniques.

Livestock Care: From feed to veterinary care, become an expert in the well-being and management of various farm animals.

Innovation in Agriculture: Explore advancements in agricultural practices. Learn about modern methods and techniques to stay ahead in the evolving field of farming.

Business and Leadership: Understand the concepts that drive successful businesses to thrive and apply communicative and leadership skills that will get you to your vision.

Points of pride

  • Wetlands are important. SCC is home to one of a handful actively-managed wetland learning labs in the region. Learn how water impacts soil health and plant development in real time just steps from our classroom.
  • Learn by doing. SCC Ag students participate in a variety of service projects for local conservation groups throughout the year. You just might find yourself building wood duck houses or fish habitats, or helping with controlled burns.

What you can do after finishing this program

  • Farm Manager
  • Precision Agriculture Specialist
  • Agribusiness Manager
  • Food Scientist

Industry partners

  • Iowa Farm Bureau
  • Beck's Hybrids
  • Tri-Oak Foods
  • Liqui-Gro
  • Nutrien Ag Solutions

Programs of study

Agriculture Science AAS Degree

Earn your 2-year degree and choose a focus area for more in-depth learning. Set yourself up for a number of career opportunities.


Agriculture Sciences Diploma

Earn your diploma in one year and learn core skills and concepts you can apply on the job.


Agriculture Sciences Certificate

This certificate teaches you the basics so you can find an entry-level job in the Ag industry.


Contact Us

West Burlington Campus Admissions
Call: (319) 208-5155
Text: (319) 250-7144

Keokuk Campus Admissions
Call: (319) 313-1923
Text: (319) 220-3266

Schedule an Appointment